Stormwater Management
Non Point Pollution
Stormwater runoff from urbanized areas, construction sites and industrial sites can carry pollutants such as trash, oils, bacteria and sediment to nearby streams and rivers. It is called “non point” pollution because it can enter the drainage system from so many sources. The Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System regulations are authorized under the Clean Water Act to limit the amount of pollutants that reach our waterways. Clean water is better for Texans and better for Texas business, especially in Central Texas where our pristine waters are sought out by residents and many tourists and visitors.

Permit Required Inspections
- Quarterly Facility Inspections and Outfall Monitoring inspections for MSGP sites
- Annual Compliance Facility Inspections and Outfall Metals Monitoring for MSGP sites
- Good Housekeeping/Pollution Prevention Assessments and Illicit Discharge Inspections for MS4s
I will prepare the required documents to apply for new permits and renew permits as required by TCEQ.
- These include:
Notice of Intent and Notice of Termination forms - Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for MSGP and MS4 permits
- Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) for MS4 permit
As a Certified Professional in Sediment and Erosion Control (CPESC #8229) through Envirocert and a Professional Engineer with over 15 years stormwater management experience, you can expect permitting and plans that are right for your project and right on the money!
Let's Work Together
I can free your staff’s valuable time by collaborating with them to see what worked and didn’t work during the previous permit cycle and then prepare all needed plans and forms for their review. It takes less time to review a product than to create it, so it is a “Win Win” situation.
Elizabeth Arceneaux, P.E.
Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Texas: #77102
TBPE Firm Registration No. F17865
HUB Certified: 1811443435200
Phone 512-644-1927
Engineering Services
Consider Native Grasses
Native grasses have deep roots that help make them drought tolerant - ideal for low impact development.
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